Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

Noses come in all different shapes and sizes, and you might have an idea of what your ideal nose looks like. Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, could help you achieve it.


Surgery at a Glance

Rhinoplasty Surgery at a Glance

Surgery Time:

1 - 3 hours

Hospital Stay:

1 night

Light Activities:

first 6 weeks

Fully Recovered:

2 - 3 weeks

Rhinoplasty in Detail

Commonly known as a ‘nose job,’ rhinoplasty is a surgery that can change the shape and size of the nose and correct functional issues. Many people choose to have nose surgery if they feel that their nose is too large, crooked or is out of proportion with the rest of their face.

There are different types of rhinoplasty; open, closed, and non-surgical. There is also a procedure known as a ‘septo-rhinoplasty,’ which can correct a common condition called a deviated septum. This is when the septum (the thin wall between the nostrils) deviates to one side, meaning that the flow of air through the nostrils is obstructed.

If you’re dissatisfied with the appearance and/or function of your nose, a rhinoplasty procedure could help. Here are some of the benefits of nose surgery:

– Can correct crookedness of the nose caused by injury

– Permanently alters the shape/size of the nose

– Can fix a deviated septum, which could alleviate snoring and breathing issues

– Can improve self-esteem

All surgical procedures involve some degree of risk. A nose job can involve the following risks and potential side effects:

– Bruising

– Swelling

– Nosebleeds

– An altered sense of smell

– A blocked and ‘stuffy’ nose

– Difficulty breathing

– Cartilage damage

– Blood clot

– Infection 

-As nose surgery involves anaesthetic, you should also make yourself aware of the risks and side effects that this can cause.

The technique that your surgeon uses will depend on your desired results, and also the type of rhinoplasty that you are having. For both open and closed rhinoplasty, you’ll be under general anaesthetic, meaning that you’ll be asleep for the duration of the procedure.

If you are having open rhinoplasty, your surgeon will make an incision across the skin between your nostrils to access the bone and cartilage. If you’re having a closed rhinoplasty, they will make the incision(s) inside of your nostrils.

Your surgeon will change the shape of your nasal bones or cartilage, depending on your desired results. After the changes have been made, the skin and tissue will be replaced over the bone/cartilage and incisions closed.

When you wake up, you’ll have a dressing on your nose.

Many people opt for rhinoplasty if they are dissatisfied with the shape or size of their nose, have had their nose broken or have a deviated septum.

Suitable candidates for nose surgery should be over the age of 18, aware of the risks surrounding the surgery, and have realistic expectations of the outcome.

After your nose surgery, you should be prepared to take at least 2 weeks off work. The time you’ll need will depend on the nature of your job.

For the first few days, you should rest and avoid moving your head as much as possible. You should also make sure that your head is higher than your chest when you’re sleeping or resting.

You’ll have internal dressings in your nose and a splint will be placed across it for around a week. Once these dressings are removed, you might notice some bleeding or drainage from your nose for the first few days.

For several weeks after your rhinoplasty, you should avoid any activities that could damage your nose, including exercising and blowing your nose. You should also try to avoid clothing that goes on over your head, opting for zip-up or front-fastening tops instead.

Rhinoplasty In View

Open Vs Closed Rhinoplasty
Before Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty Procedure
Rhinoplasty After

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Had an initial consultation with Harriet. She has been really informative and helpful. She went step by step through the procedure and got it all booked for me! I’m really excited to have the surgery that I’ve been looking forward to for such a long time.
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Had a great consultation with one of the surgeon assistants. I was made to feel so comfortable, and all of my questions were answered. Now I'm looking forward to my eyelid surgery with Mr Khalil.

Latest News & Advice

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) FAQ's

Everyone is different, so the time it takes to see your final rhinoplasty results will depend on the type of rhinoplasty you’ve had and how quickly you heal. Generally, it can take between 6 months to a year to see the full effect of your nose surgery.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a non-invasive version of a nose job. It involves injections of dermal filler in certain areas of the nose to help enhance its appearance. The results from this kind of rhinoplasty are not permanent and will last around 3-6 months.

The results of a surgical nose job are permanent, unless there is injury or trauma to your nose after the procedure.

A nose job may be able to improve your breathing by widening the nasal passage, or by correcting a deviated septum.

The main difference between open and closed rhinoplasty is that an open rhinoplasty is performed outside the nostrils, while a closed rhinoplasty is performed inside. Open rhinoplasty can leave visible scarring, whereas closed rhinoplasty leaves any scarring concealed inside the nose.

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