Male face lift

More and more men are choosing to have a facelift as a way of increasing their self-confidence.

Our skin becomes less elastic as we age, and some men may find that the skin on their face, neck and jowls starts to sag or loose folds of skin start to appear. A facelift can help to reverse the signs of aging in the face and neck for men who are looking to have smoother skin and a face that they feel better reflects their age.

Face Lift

Surgery at a Glance

Facelift Surgery at a Glance

Surgery Time

1 - 2 hours

Hospital Stay:

day case

Light Activities:

first 4 - 6 weeks

Fully Recovered:

4 - 6 weeks

Facelift in Detail

This surgical procedure is also known as a rhytidectomy, and it’s one of the most commonly-requested cosmetic surgeries for men. It’s usually performed under general anaesthetic.

Aging, smoking, sun exposure, weight loss, gravity – there are many factors that can affect the appearance of the face. A facelift can help men who have concerns such as sagging or loose skin, deep-set lines and wrinkles, restoring a smoother, more defined look. It’s achieved through removing excess skin and tightening the facial muscles and remaining skin to ‘lift’ the face, reducing creases and making it look more youthful, smooth and defined.

The male facelift procedure requires a different surgical approach to the type carried out on women, due to the anatomical differences in males faces such as jaw size, muscle mass and skin density. The goal is to ensure a discreet change that rejuvenates the face, yet retains masculinity.

Having a facelift can bring a variety of benefits. These include:

  • Looking and feeling younger
  • Improved self confidence and self-esteem
  • More definition and contours in the jawline, chin and face

There’s a risk with every kind of surgical procedure, as well as potential benefits. Some of the risks and side effects of the male facelift include:

  • A collection of blood under the skin (haematoma)
  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Loss of sensation or movement
  • Scarring
  • Hair loss at the incision site
  • Asymmetry in the facial features
  • An adverse reaction to anaesthetic

While the results from a male facelift are generally long-lasting, it won’t turn the clock back permanently, and the natural aging process will continue after your surgery. Every patient is different, and your lifestyle choices will play a part in how long your results remain effective.

There are several different techniques that can be used during facelift surgery depending on your surgeon and the effect that you’d like to achieve from treatment. Often, liposuction and fat transfer or fillers are used in conjunction with the surgical intervention.

Typically, for a traditional facelift your surgeon will make incisions starting at your temples near your hairline, travelling down towards your ears and then behind your earlobe to finish in the natural crease behind the ear and lower scalp.

When the incisions are made, they’ll remove excess skin and fat and tighten any muscles which have become lax. They’ll then reposition the remaining skin and stitch it into position, before closing the incisions.

Your surgeon will try to place the incisions so that any scarring is minimised and can be easily concealed once it’s healed.

You might be a good candidate for a facelift if your skin is sagging on your cheeks or jawline, or you feel that you’ve lost volume in the muscle tissue in your cheeks. If your neck has developed loose folds, if your jowls have started to droop, or if you have wrinkles around the mouth and nose which are noticeable, a male facelift could also be the right procedure for you.

You should plan to take at least 2 weeks off work following your facelift. Exactly how long you should take off will depend on what your job involves, and your surgeon will discuss this with you before your procedure so that you know exactly what to expect.

Recovery from this type of treatment generally takes around 4 weeks. Initially, you’re likely to have some discomfort, stiffness, swelling and bruising in your face, but you can take suitable painkillers to help. You may also have some numbness in your face and ears, and this should improve as time passes.

Try to sleep with your head raised on extra pillows, and take things easy for the first 2 weeks – only carry out light activities during that time. Don’t lift heavy objects, and try to avoid bending over if you can.

You should see the final results of your facelift after 6-9 months.

Facelift FAQ's

Your surgeon will aim to achieve better definition in your face, yet keep a natural appearance. At your complimentary consultation, they’ll discuss what you’re looking to achieve from surgery and let you know the results that you can realistically expect.

Facelift results are not permanent, though – they’ll generally last between 5-10 years. The aging process means that your face is likely to start to droop again, lines will begin to develop and your jawline will become softer. You can help to get the most out of your facelift by leading a healthy lifestyle, following a good skincare routine and using a high-factor SPF daily.

There really isn’t a ‘best age’ at all for a male facelift, provided that you’re in good physical health. Whether a facelift is a suitable treatment for you will depend on a range of factors, including the laxity and quality of your skin, the issues that you’d like to address, and the results you expect to achieve afterwards. Your surgeon will be able to let you know if a facelift is the right procedure for you at your consultation.

Men have thicker skin than women, and so also have a much richer blood supply to support it. And the fact that men have a beard also needs to be factored into the time needed to perform a facelift procedure. This also affects where the surgeon places the incisions – they need to take into account that a man will need to shave, and so they’re made in a slightly different area. All of these details mean that a male facelift generally takes longer to carry out than a female facelift.

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