Male Nipple Correction

The aim of nipple correction is to change the appearance of nipples which are protruding, enlarged, inverted or asymmetrical. The procedure is often referred to as nipple reduction or nipple surgery. By changing the size, shape or position of the nipples, their appearance can be improved by this kind of surgery, and self-confidence levels can increase as a result.

Male Nipple Correction

The aim of nipple correction is to change the appearance of nipples which are protruding, enlarged, inverted or asymmetrical. The procedure is often referred to as nipple reduction or nipple surgery. By changing the size, shape or position of the nipples, their appearance can be improved by this kind of surgery, and self-confidence levels can increase as a result.

Surgery at a Glance

Nipple Reduction Surgery at a Glance

Surgery Time

1 - 2 hours

Hospital Stay:

Typically day case

Light Activities:

first 4 weeks

Fully Recovered:

6 weeks

Male Nipple Correction in Detail

Nipple correction surgery is a specialist treatment which works by addressing issues with nipples that are enlarged (where the circumference can be decreased), inverted (where the nipple points inwards instead of outwards), protrude too much, or are different sizes. By reshaping, resizing, rebalancing or correcting the nipples, these issues can be addressed.

The type of procedure that your surgeon will carry out will depend on the issue that you have, as it will target your individual concerns.

If you’re unhappy with your nipples, nipple correction could help in a number of ways, including:

  • Rectifying asymmetry (where one nipple is larger than the other)
  • Reducing the projection of the nipples
  • Reducing the circumference of the nipples
  • Helping you to feel more comfortable in tight clothing
  • Improving self-confidence and body image

All surgical procedures have a degree of risk and will have possible complications. For nipple correction, what these are will vary depending on the procedure you’re having, but as a guide they can include:

  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Bruising
  • Asymmetry
  • Changes in sensation

If you’re being treated for enlarged or protruding nipples, once the anaesthetic has taken effect to ensure you’re pain-free during the treatment, your surgeon will begin the procedure. There are several different ways of achieving a reduction surgically, but one of the most common techniques is to make incisions around the base of the nipple and remove excess tissue to reduce its size. The surgeon then reshapes the nipple to give it a natural appearance before closing the incisions.

For inverted nipples, your surgeon will operate to release the fibres that tether the nipple and then secure it into its new position.

For asymmetrical nipples, your surgeon may use a combination of different techniques that help to reshape and reposition them so that they become more symmetrical in appearance.

This kind of surgery can help if you feel self-conscious about how your nipples look because one is larger than the other, if you feel that they are too large, if you experience discomfort or a lack of self-esteem because your nipples protrude too much, or if you have nipples which are inverted.

You should be over 18, in good health and understand what can realistically be achieved from surgery. Your surgeon will assess your nipples and advise you as to the course of action they’d recommend for you, making sure that you’re fully informed before you make your decision about nipple correction surgery.

It’s likely that your nipples will feel sore or tender in the first few days after your procedure, and you can take over-the-counter painkillers to help combat this. You’ll also have some bruising and swelling in the area that’s been treated, which will subside as you heal.

You’ll have a small dressing on your nipple and it’s important that you keep this dry for about a week while your nipple is healing.

How long you will need to take off work in the first days of your recovery will depend on the nature of your job, but your surgeon will have let you know in advance of your procedure. Strenuous exercise and lifting heavy objects should be avoided for the first 2 weeks.

Liposuction Vs Vaser Liposuction

Even when we lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly, we can still have areas of our body that we’re unhappy with, such as pockets of fat that obstinately refuse to disappear, no matter what we do.

Nipple Correction FAQ's

It’s completely normal to have some tenderness, bruising and swelling in and around your nipples following this kind of surgery. Lying on your back when resting and sleeping is advised.

Taking readily available painkillers such as paracetamol should help, and any discomfort should start to ease at the 3-5 days post-operative stage.

As incisions are made, just as in all kinds of surgery a certain level of scarring is to be expected after a nipple correction procedure. However, scars do fade as time passes and your surgeon will try to ensure that any incisions that are made are well-hidden so that they blend in well.

You can help to give yourself the best opportunity to heal and minimise scarring by ensuring that you follow your aftercare instructions.

The results from this type of treatment are generally excellent, and typically they last for the long term. To help maintain your results, you should ensure that you follow a healthy lifestyle – eating the right foods, avoiding smoking and vaping, exercising and wearing sunscreen will all help you to look after your skin.

Patients can find that they have a loss of sensation in their nipples after surgery, but any numbness is usually temporary and, as your body heals, sensation returns. Other temporary side effects that you may experience include increased sensitivity and tingling, and again these should disappear over time.

Although in some cases breastfeeding successfully is still possible after nipple reduction surgery, if the underlying structure of the nipple has been affected during the procedure, breastfeeding may not be possible. If being able to breastfeed is important to you, it may be best to postpone nipple correction surgery until your family is complete. Your surgeon will be able to advise you in detail at your consultation.

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