Vaser Liposuction for Men

This is a liposuction technique which removes fat cells from areas of your body where stubborn deposits of fat collect. The Vaser lipo technique uses ultrasound waves to first break up and then liquefy fat cells, which are then drawn out of the body. It’s a less invasive procedure than traditional liposuction.

It’s important to know that Vaser lipo isn’t a weight loss solution – it’s a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes localised fat to help to shape and contour your body.

Liposuction for Men

Surgery at a Glance

Vaser Liposuction at a Glance

Procedure Time:

1 - 2 hours

Hospital Stay:

day case

Light Activities:

first 1 - 2 weeks

Fully Recovered:

6 weeks

Vaser Liposuction in Detail

Vaser liposuction (Vaser stands for ‘Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance’) uses ultrasonic energy to break down and liquefy fat before it’s removed from the body. It’s also known as ‘Vaser lipo,’ and uses a small probe which emits ultrasound waves into the area being treated, with the fat then being suctioned out through small incisions.

This procedure can remove fat in several body areas, including the abdomen, thighs, calves, buttocks, upper arms, neck and chin. It can be carried out under general or local anaesthetic.

If you have areas of fat which are proving resistant no matter the changes you make to your diet or the exercise that you take, then this could be a treatment option for you. Vaser lipo could offer the following benefits:

  • The permanent removal of pockets of unwanted fat
  • Less invasive procedure than liposuction
  • May result in less bruising and swelling than traditional liposuction
  • Quicker recovery time than traditional liposuction
  • Can also tighten the skin in the target area
  • Can be performed under local anaesthetic
  • Can help you feel more confident

All surgical procedures have potential risks and side effects, and Vaser liposuction is no different. While it’s considered a low-risk procedure, some of the complications which can result are:

  • Infection
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Asymmetry
  • Discomfort

Your surgeon will give you an overview of the potential complications associated with Vaser liposuction during your face-to-face consultation.

First of all, you’ll be given anaesthetic in preparation for your Vaser lipo treatment – which type it is will depend on the areas being treated and the extent of your procedure.

Once the anaesthetic has taken effect, your surgeon will make small incisions in the areas being targeted and inject a saline solution containing anaesthetic into them to help minimise any discomfort. This also makes it easier for the fatty tissue to be broken up for extraction.

Your surgeon will then insert the Vaser probe which transmits ultrasound energy, selectively liquefying the fat cells so that they can be suctioned out via a cannula (a very thin tube).

How long your procedure will take will depend on the area being treated and the amount of fat that needs removing.

If you are close to your goal body weight but have found that there are areas of your body where fat stubbornly resists diet and exercise, you could be a good candidate for Vaser lipo. You’ll have good skin elasticity and tone too. You should also be aged over 18, be in good health and have a realistic understanding of the results that you can expect following this type of procedure.

Following your Vaser lipo procedure, you’ll probably feel some discomfort, but over-the-counter painkillers will help to combat this. When you return home, it’s important to take things easy in the first few days and not do too much.

You’ll need to wear a compression garment as directed by your surgeon for up to 6 weeks after your Vaser lipo, as it will help to keep any swelling under control and help you achieve the best results.

While you may be able to return to work after a few days if you’ve had a smaller area treated, for larger areas you may need to take 2 weeks off. You should make sure that you avoid strenuous exercise for at least 2 weeks, too.

Latest News & Advice

Liposuction Vs Vaser Liposuction

Even when we lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly, we can still have areas of our body that we’re unhappy with, such as pockets of fat that obstinately refuse to disappear, no matter what we do.

Vaser Liposuction FAQ's

No, Vaser lipo is a body contouring procedure that removes small to moderate amounts of fat in targeted areas of the body which have proved resistant to diet and exercise.

Although the fat cells which are removed from the body during Vaser liposuction are permanently removed from the body, it’s important to continue to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime to prevent the remaining fat cells from increasing in size.

This will depend on various different factors, such as the size and number of the areas being treated and your individual circumstances and desired results. At your surgeon consultation, they’ll take these factors into account and, if you’re suitable for Vaser lipo treatment, let you know what the cost will be.

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