Breast Uplift

There are many factors that can cause your breasts to droop, including genetics, gravity and weight loss or gain. A breast uplift is a popular procedure that could help you achieve perkier, more youthful-looking breasts.

Breast Uplift

Surgery at a Glance

Breast Uplift at a Glance

Procedure Time:

2 - 4 hours

Hospital Stay:

1 night

Compression Bra:

12 weeks

Light Activities:

first 4 - 6 weeks

Fully Recovered:

6 weeks

Breast Uplift Surgery in Detail

Also known as mastopexy, breast uplift surgery is a procedure that removes loose skin to lift the breasts and nipples to a higher position, tightening the skin and resulting in firmer breasts. This type of surgery might be combined with breast implants to add volume to your breasts, or a breast reduction to reduce the size of your breasts.

If you’re unhappy with the shape and appearance of your breasts due to ptosis (sagging of the breasts), a breast uplift could offer you many benefits. Some of these can include:

– Breasts that not only look perkier, but feel firmer

– An enhanced silhouette

– A reduction in irritation under the breast

– Feeling more comfortable in certain clothing

– Reduced neck/back/shoulder pain caused by heavy, sagging breast tissue

– Can be combined with a breast augmentation or reduction

Every kind of surgery comes with some degree of risk and potential side effects. Breast uplift surgery can have the following risks:

– Bleeding

– Asymmetry

– Changes in nipple or breast sensation

– Scarring

– Bruising

– Infection

– Partial or total loss of nipple/areola

-This procedure requires anaesthesia, which comes with its own risks and side effects

As a breast uplift is a major surgical procedure, you’ll be given general anaesthetic in advance. This means that you’ll be asleep during the operation.

Your surgeon will begin by making an incision around the areola (darker part of the nipple) and removing excess skin and tissue. They will then reposition the nipple to sit higher on the breast. The incisions will be closed, and dressed with surgical tape to protect the wounds.

If you’re having a breast augmentation or reduction in combination with your uplift, your surgeon’s technique and the order of the procedure might differ. For a breast lift on its own, you’ll be in the operating room for 2-4 hours.

You might consider breast uplift surgery if you’re unhappy with the shape and sagging of your breasts. Specifically, you might have:

– Breasts that have dropped post-pregnancy

– Severely drooping breasts

– Asymmetry

– Nipples that point downwards

If you identify with any of the above, a breast lift could be the right procedure for you, as long as you’re also over the age of 21 and in generally good physical health.

After your breast uplift surgery, you’ll spend a night in hospital to make sure that your initial recovery is going well. You should plan for someone to pick you up when you’re ready to go home, and they should help you get settled once there.

You will need to take at least 2 weeks off work following your breast lift, and should rest for the first few days. You’ll need to avoid driving for at least a week, and shouldn’t carry out any strenuous activity or exercise for the first 4 weeks.

For the first 6-12 weeks, you should wear your compression bra day and night, removing it only to shower once your wounds have healed.

Full recovery from a breast lift can take up to 12 weeks – after this, you should be able to see your final results.

Breast Uplift in View

Breast Uplift in View

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Breast Uplift FAQ's

There’s no set amount of time that your breast lift results will last, as this will depend on many individual factors. Your lifestyle, the condition of your skin, your diet, weight, smoking status and any pregnancies can all affect how long your results will last.

There are some steps you can take to ensure that you get the most out of your results, though, such as practicing a healthy lifestyle and wearing your compression bra for the recommended amount of time.

It is possible to breastfeed after having a mastopexy, although breastfeeding and pregnancy itself may affect the results of your procedure.

If you’ve had breast implants inserted as part of your breast lift, your ability to breastfeed will depend on the size and placement of the implants.

To qualify for any kind of cosmetic surgery in the UK, you should be over 18 years old. For breast surgery, most surgeons will advise waiting until the age of 21 to have your procedure, so that your breasts will have fully developed.

Any scarring from your procedure will be minimal, and will fade over time. You can help to improve the appearance of scars by using Vitamin E cream on them, and keeping them out of the sun. Wearing your compression bra will also help your wounds heal properly and minimise the appearance of scars.

A breast lift is typically carried out under general anaesthesia, meaning that you’ll be asleep for the duration of the surgery. When you wake up, you might feel groggy and a bit nauseous. Your breasts will be bandaged, and you might have drainage tubes to help drain away any blood or fluid. You will likely stay in hospital overnight, and the drains will be removed before you go home. You’ll be provided with pain medication to help you manage any discomfort.

For the first 2 weeks, you’ll be advised to wear a well-fitting, non-wired bra to support your breasts. It can take around 6 weeks for a full recovery from a breast lift, and you’ll need to take at least 2 weeks off work to rest.

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