Nipple Reduction

If your nipples make you feel self-conscious in tight-fitting clothes, if they’re asymmetrical or have stretched after breastfeeding, you might consider nipple reduction surgery. Read on to find out more about what this procedure could do for you, or book a consultation today to begin your nipple reduction journey

Nipple Reduction

Surgery at a Glance

Nipple Reduction Surgery at a Glance

Surgery Time

1 - 2 hours

Hospital Stay:

1 Night

Light Activities:

first 4 weeks

Fully Recovered:

6 weeks

Nipple Reduction in Detail

This type of surgery can help to reduce the projection of the nipple (how far it sticks out) and can decrease the circumference too, improving its appearance. It can also be used to reshape nipples which have stretched after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

There are a number of techniques which can be used, and your surgeon will discuss which would be best for you at your consultation.

Nipple reduction surgery can be carried out on its own – in this case, it’s typically performed under local anaesthetic, so you’re awake during the procedure. However, it can also be combined with other procedures like breast reduction, augmentation or uplift under general anaesthetic.

For those who are unhappy with their nipples, nipple reduction surgery could provide the following benefits:

  • Can reduce the projection of one or both nipples
  • Can reduce the circumference of the nipples
  • Can rectify asymmetry in the nipples
  • Can make it easier to wear tight tops and swimwear
  • Can reduce embarrassment due to prominent nipples

All surgical procedures carry some degree of risk and potential side effects. Those associated with nipple reduction surgery can include:

  • Infection
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Asymmetry
  • Temporary changes in sensation/numbness

During nipple reduction surgery, incisions will be made before the nipple is reduced. Although there are a number of different ways a reduction can be achieved surgically, a common technique is to make a tiny incision in the protruding nipple at the base. A small section of tissue is then removed from the side and pulled down, forming a lower nipple height and smaller width. The incision is then closed.

Your surgeon will discuss which type of procedure is most likely to deliver the result you’d like in advance of your surgery day.

Nipple reduction surgery could help if you have nipples which you feel protrude too much, are too wide or are uneven in shape. If you find that you avoid certain types of clothing, such as swimwear or tight tops, because you feel embarrassed, and if you wear padding under clothing to cover up how prominent your nipples are, this type of surgery could make a difference.

Your nipples will feel tender for a few days after your surgery, which can be managed by over-the-counter painkillers. There will also be some swelling and bruising in the area, but this will subside in time.

A small dressing will have been applied to the nipple and you will need to keep this dry for around a week.

Although you should only need to take a few days off work initially, this will depend on how active it is – your surgeon will be able to advise you. You should avoid strenuous exercise and lifting for at least 14 days, by which time you should start to feel well on the way to full recovery.

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Nipple Reduction

You’re likely to experience some tenderness, swelling and mild bruising after the operation and this is completely normal. It should start to settle after the first 3-5 days. You can use over-the-counter painkillers to combat any discomfort and you will need to take things easy for the first few days.

It’s best to sleep on your back to avoid further discomfort as you heal, but any discomfort from your nipple reduction surgery should continue to ease as the tissues settle.

A nipple reduction, as with all forms of surgery, will leave a scar wherever incisions are made. However, any scarring on the nipple is usually well-hidden and blends well.

Scars fade over time, and by following the aftercare instructions you’re given, you can help minimise any risk of visible scarring following your nipple reduction surgery.

Nipple reduction surgery is generally a permanent cosmetic procedure. It can provide excellent results, and you can expect these to last long-term. As with any type of cosmetic procedure, to make the most of your results you should try to follow a healthy lifestyle by eating well, wearing sunscreen and avoiding smoking, to look after your skin.

Some people may experience a temporary loss of sensation in their nipples following surgery, but in most cases, sensation returns as your body heals. Numbness, tingling or increased sensitivity are other temporary side effects that some patients experience.

Although in some cases breastfeeding successfully is still possible after nipple reduction surgery, if the underlying structure of the nipple has been affected during the procedure, breastfeeding may not be possible. If being able to breastfeed is important to you, it may be best to postpone nipple correction surgery until your family is complete. Your surgeon will be able to advise you in detail at your consultation.

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