Tummy Tuck

If you’ve been left with excess skin and/or fat on your stomach following pregnancy or significant weight loss, a tummy tuck could be the procedure you’re looking for. Have a look at the important information on this procedure, and find out how it could help you.

Tummy Tuck

Surgery at a Glance

Tummy Tuck Surgery at a Glance

Procedure Time:

1 - 6 hours

Hospital Stay:

1 night

Compression Garment

12 weeks

Light Activities:

first 4 - 6 weeks

Fully Recovered:

12 weeks

Abdominoplasty in Detail

Sometimes known as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the stomach area. It can also repair the abdominal muscles, which may have lost their elasticity due to weight loss or pregnancy. Abdominoplasty was among the top 5 cosmetic procedures for both men and women in 2021, according to BAAPS.

There are a few different kinds of tummy tuck, and the right one for you will depend on how your tummy looks and what you want to achieve. Many people choose to combine a tummy tuck with liposuction to achieve a flat and toned tummy.

Abdominoplasty can offer many benefits if you have loose skin or excess fat after significant weight loss. Some of these benefits include:

– Flatter tummy

– Tighter abdominal muscles

– Boosts self-confidence

– Can help you feel more comfortable in fitted clothing/swimwear

Every surgery is accompanied by some level of risk and side effects. Those associated with a tummy tuck include:

– Bleeding

– Bruising

– Infection

– Fluid build-up

– Skin/fat necrosis

– Changes in sensation

– Scarring

A tummy tuck is typically carried out under general anaesthetic, which poses its own risks and side effects. After your tummy tuck, you might find it difficult to stand up straight initially as you feel like your tummy is being pulled. This will get better as you heal over time. You will be left with a scar across your lower tummy and also around your belly button if you had a full abdominoplasty. It can take a few weeks for the scars to start fading.  

As a tummy tuck is a major procedure, you’ll be given general anaesthetic so that you’ll be asleep for the duration of the surgery.

The technique that your surgeon will use will depend on the type of tummy tuck that you’re having. For each type, your surgeon will make an incision across your tummy to remove excess fat and skin, and realign your abdominal muscles if necessary. They might also cut a new hole for your belly button before stitching it into place.

The incisions will be stitched and dressings applied to protect them.

A tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure, so it won’t be suitable for you if you’re looking to lose more weight.

You might be a suitable candidate for a tummy tuck if you:

– Have excess skin or fat left over from weight loss or pregnancy

– Have loose or weak abdominal muscles that you want to tighten

– Are not currently pregnant or planning a future pregnancy

– Are in good physical health

– Have realistic expectations of the results

– Are willing to maintain results after the procedure through diet and exercise.

After your tummy tuck, you will need to take around 4 to 6 weeks off of work to recover. You’ll be given a special compression garment which you’ll need to wear for this period in order to reduce any swelling. You should generally try to be as gentle as possible with your body as you heal. It can take around 6 weeks for your stomach to fully settle and for the results to become clear.

To maintain your results, you should continue to eat a balanced diet and do regular exercise once you have fully recovered to avoid putting on weight.

Tummy Tuck Surgery

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Tummy Tuck FAQ's

While it’s not dangerous to have a baby following a tummy tuck, the effects of pregnancy and giving birth are likely to undo the results of your procedure. Many people who consider tummy tuck have had children already and do not plan to give birth to any more in the future.

The main difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction is that a tummy tuck removes both excess fat and loose skin, while liposuction simply removes excess fat. A tummy tuck might be better for you if you have loose skin and fat on your stomach, whereas liposuction is ideal for those who have a pocket of stubborn fat that they’d like to eliminate.

For the first week, you should try to do as little as possible to give your incisions a chance to heal and to reduce any swelling. You should make sure you wear your compression garment during the day and at night time for the first 6 weeks, as this will help to control swelling. You can remove it when you shower.

A tummy tuck will leave you with minimal scarring, and this can be easily concealed with clothing or when wearing swimwear. The scars will fade over time, and you can help improve their appearance with Vitamin E cream and by keeping them out of the sun.

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