Vaginal Tightening

Intimate gynaecological conditions can be difficult to discuss, and many people can feel embarrassed at bringing up the subject. But vaginal tightening can be a discreet and effective way to resolve the issue of muscle laxity in this area.


Surgery at a Glance

Vaginal Tightening Surgery at a Glance

Surgery Time

1 - 2 hours

Hospital Stay

day case

Sexual Activity

4 - 6 weeks

Light Activities:

first 4 - 6 weeks

Fully Recovered:

6 weeks

Vaginal Tightening in Detail

Also known as vaginoplasty or vaginal rejuvenation, vaginal tightening surgery is a procedure that can rebuild the pelvic floor and perineal muscles that have been stretched by childbirth, or with age. Many people who have this procedure do so because they are dissatisfied with the appearance of their vagina, or because they find that sex has become less satisfying due to decreased sensitivity.

Vaginal tightening can be combined with labiaplasty, a procedure that can reshape and reduce the size of uncomfortably large labia.

If you feel that your vaginal muscles have become stretched over time, either due to childbirth or ageing, vaginal tightening could offer a solution and the following benefits:

– Enhance sensitivity and heighten sexual experience

– Improve urinary incontinence

– Restore the vagina to its pre-childbirth appearance

– Reduce discomfort when exercising or wearing certain clothing

– Can be combined with labiaplasty (to reshape and reduce the size of the labia) or perineal surgery (restoring the area between the vagina and rectum

All surgical procedures carry some degree of risk and their own potential side effects. Those associated with vaginal tightening can include:

– Scarring

– Infection

– Bleeding

– Blood clots

– Vaginal collapse

– Change in sensation

– Inadequate vaginal depth

– Nerve damage

– Discharge

– Lack of natural lubrication

– Bowel puncture

Vaginal tightening surgery requires anaesthesia, which comes with its own risks and side effects – you can find out more about these here.

For your vaginoplasty, you’ll be put under general anaesthetic, meaning that you’ll be asleep throughout the procedure.

Once you are asleep, your surgeon will make incisions in the area to remove excess skin, secure and tighten loose tissue in the vagina, and reduce the size of the vaginal opening. The incisions will then be closed with dissolvable stitches.

The surgery usually takes between 1-2 hours to complete.

You might be considering vaginal rejuvenation if you’re dissatisfied with the appearance and function of your vagina post-childbirth. As the vaginal muscles can become lax with ageing or become stretched in childbirth, many people seek to improve sexual function and urinary incontinence through vaginal tightening surgery.

You might be suitable for this procedure if your vaginal muscles have become lax or stretched, or if you have a congenital abnormality that has affected the development of your vagina.

When you wake up from your procedure, you might feel slightly groggy and nauseous, due to the anaesthetic. When it wears off you may experience some discomfort, but this can be managed with suitable pain medication.

You should be prepared to take up to 2 weeks off work following your vaginal tightening surgery, and should avoid exercise, heavy lifting and sexual intercourse for the first 6 weeks. You should also take care not to strain while on the toilet, and should avoid using tampons, swimming or bathing until you are fully healed.

Within 6 weeks, any swelling or bruising should have subsided.

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Vaginal Tightening FAQ's

To get the most out of vaginal rejuvenation, you should be sure that you’re not planning to have children, or wait until after you’ve given birth to have the procedure. Giving birth vaginally can

stretch the muscles, so many people wait until after they’ve completed their family to have vaginal tightening surgery.

You should wait until at least 6 weeks after your surgery to have sex. This gives you plenty of time to heal and become comfortable with the changes to your vagina.

Your surgeon might suggest the use of a dilator after vaginal tightening surgery. This helps to keep the vagina open and maintain its depth.

A vaginoplasty tightens the muscles of the vagina, helping with its function and appearance. A labiaplasty focuses on the outer ‘lips’ of the vagina, and can reduce or reshape these to minimise discomfort.

It’s advisable to wait at least 3 to 6 months after you’ve given birth before having a vaginoplasty. This gives your vagina adequate time to heal and allows for any swelling and stretching to subside.

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