What’s involved in a mummy makeover?

The mummy makeover – or ‘mommy makeover,’ as it’s also known – has become popular in recent years. And it’s not hard to see why - areas of concern in parts of the body that have changed over time because of ageing or pregnancy can be rejuvenated in a single surgery session.

But just as everyone is unique, so is the approach that’s taken to the combination of procedures which is best for each patient. What’s right for you may not be right for someone else, and vice versa.

So, if you’ve noticed that your body has changed and have become unhappy with how different areas look now, and if you’ve tried diet and exercise to no avail – a mummy makeover could help.

So, what is a mummy makeover?

It’s a catch-all term for combining different cosmetic procedures to target several areas of your body at the same time. It got its name because it aims to restore your body’s appearance to its pre-pregnancy state.

A mummy makeover will often include breast augmentation and/or breast uplift, liposuction, tummy tuck, and labiaplasty or vaginal rejuvenation. But the actual combination of procedures can be tailored to you and the results that you’d like following surgery, so mummy makeovers aren’t a one-size-fits-all type of treatment – what is best for you will be based on what you’d like to achieve, and what your surgeon believes can help you do that.

Mummy makeover benefits

The benefits that this combination of treatments could deliver very much depend on which areas of the body you’ve decided to target, but they could include:

– Less downtime from having multiple procedures at once

– Feeling more comfortable in certain types or styles of clothing

– Improved confidence and self-esteem due to a firmer, smoother, shapelier figure

– Easier to exercise after excess fat and skin has been removed

Mummy makeover risks

No matter what kind of surgical procedure you’re having, there will always be some element of risk and side effects associated with it. As a mummy makeover can include a range of different procedures, the risks and potential side effects could include:

– Bleeding

– Infection

– Bruising

– Swelling

– Scarring

– Change in sensation in the targeted area(s)

– Asymmetry

Mummy makeover surgery is performed under general anaesthetic, so you’ll be asleep and unaware of what’s happening when it’s being carried out. General anaesthesia carries some risks too – you can find out more here.

What happens during mummy makeover surgery? This will depend on which procedures you’ve decided to have included in your mummy makeover package. The most popular procedures focus on the breasts and abdominal area, but there are a variety of options.

Breast augmentation and/or uplift

Over time, gravity and breastfeeding can have negative effects on the breasts, causing them to droop and look deflated. Breast augmentation surgery can restore fullness and firmness to breasts, while a breast uplift (or ‘mastopexy’) can return them to a perkier position by removing extra skin.

During a breast lift and implant procedure, your breasts will be reshaped and lifted. The implants will then be inserted, and your nipples may be moved to a higher position.

Tummy tuck

Pregnancy, and general weight gain and loss, can result in excess fat and skin in your stomach area that makes wearing certain clothes difficult and looks unsightly. A tummy tuck – or abdominoplasty, to give it its medical name – aims to result in a flatter, firmer tummy by removing the extra skin and fat from the area. Sometimes the stomach muscles are tightened during the procedure, too.

During the abdominoplasty procedure, your surgeon makes an incision across your abdomen before removing the loose fat and skin The muscles above and below the belly button are tightened, and then the skin is stitched up.


Liposuction is a procedure which removes stubborn areas of fat from the body that have been resistant to changes in diet and exercise. During the procedure, small deposits of fat are sucked out to alter the shape of the body.

Liposuction is a popular mummy makeover procedure and has the best results in people who are a normal weight. It’s carried out under general anaesthetic and during it, your surgeon makes small incisions in the targeted areas. They will then use motion and suction via a cannula to remove the excess fat via a vacuum machine.


Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure which decreases the size of the labia minora (inner tissues) to make it flush with the outer labia (labia majora). This can help reduce discomfort and chafing and alter the appearance of the genitals. During the labiaplasty operation, your surgeon will make incisions in your labia and then shorten and reshape them.

While other procedures can be included in a mummy makeover – for example, an arm or thigh lift – the procedures we’ve focused on here are some of the most popular. If there are a number of areas of your body that you’d like to address at the same time, why not find out more? We’re here to guide you and help you come to a decision as to whether

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