Which breast surgery is right for me?

Breasts come in all shapes and sizes – they’re individual and unique. But they can be such a fundamental part of who we are that being unhappy with your breasts can affect how you see yourself and how you live your life.

Breast augmentation

Also known as breast enlargement, breast enhancement, mammoplasty or a ‘boob job’, breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure for the breasts. Silicone implants are used to add volume to the breasts to give them a fuller and more contoured appearance.

A boob job can help to create a fuller, curvier figure. Your surgeon will help you decide on the right implants for you, taking into account your medical history, your desired results and the size of your frame.

Breast enlargement surgery could be right for you if:

· You have naturally small breasts and want to add volume

· You want to restore volume that’s been lost because of weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding or aging

· You’re unhappy with the shape of your breasts and want them to look more contoured

· You have one breast which is larger than the other (asymmetry)

· You find it hard to wear different kinds of clothing because of your small breasts


Breast reduction

Surgically known as a reduction mammoplasty, breast reduction is a procedure which reduces the size of uncomfortably large breasts. It results in smaller, more manageable breasts by removing skin and fat and sometimes reshaping the breasts. A breast reduction can also be used to ‘even up’ asymmetrical breasts.

It could be right for you if:

· You have a large bust which is creating problems with posture and pain in your back and shoulders

· Your breasts get in the way of exercising

· You find it difficult and expensive to buy bras

· You want to achieve a body with better proportions

· You want to have more options when choosing clothing

· You often receive unwanted attention because of your breast size

· You have asymmetrical breasts


Breast uplift

Also known as mastopexy, a breast ‘lift’ is a procedure which reshapes your natural breasts in order to lift them to a higher position on your body. During breast uplift surgery, your surgeon will lift, tighten and reshape your skin and surrounding breast tissue, creating a firmer feel.

It could be right for you if:

· Your breasts are less firm due to weight loss, breastfeeding or gravity because of aging

· You feel restricted in the kind of clothes you wear because of sagging breasts

· You have no plans to have children/more children


Breast augmentation and uplift

Adding volume and lifting sagging breasts at the same time is made possible with this combined procedure. If you would like to change the shape and size of your breasts and position them higher, you may want to consider breast enlargement and uplift surgery.

During this procedure, your surgeon will use implants to give your breasts more volume and a firmer, rounder shape. Extra, loose skin on your breasts will be removed, lifting them to a higher position to give them a more youthful and rejuvenated look.

It could be right for you if:

· You want increased breast volume for more contoured look

· You want breasts that are firmer and higher to combat the effects of pregnancy, weight loss or aging

· You feel restricted in what you can wear because of the size and appearance of your breasts

· You have no plans to have children/more children

· You have naturally small breasts and want to add volume

· You have one breast which is larger than the other (asymmetry) as well as visible sagging

If you feel unhappy with your breasts, it can help to speak to an expert who can let you know what your options are. There’s a lot to think about and understand so that you make the right decision for you. Find out more about any of our breast procedures by booking your online appointment here.

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