Tummy Tuck Surgery
The way that fat is distributed across the body is different for everyone, particularly when it comes to fat on the stomach. You might have a slight ‘pouch’ of fat at your lower abdomen, or maybe you have a significant amount of excess skin and fat due to weight loss. Discover which type of tummy you might have below.Post-pregnancy
Affectionately called the ‘mum tum,’ this kind of tummy will be lower down, typically falling below your waistline. Pregnancy and childbirth can cause the abdominal muscles to stretch. Sometimes the muscles don’t realign, and this is what causes the ‘mum tum’, or pouch of fat on the lower tummy.Post-weight loss
Losing a significant amount of weight can leave you with excess skin across your stomach. This excess skin can happen when you lose fat that has stretched the skin out and weakened its elasticity.